30,000 SQ FT
Frontier Park is a new mixed use development with planning consent for c 1m sq ft of industrial and warehouse accommodation.
The 90 acre site has immediate access to J6, M65
Speculatively built industrial/warehouse units are under construction and offer several unit sizes from 30,000 sq ft to 150,00 sq ft. Frontier Park’s on site amenities include a Euro Garages service area incorporating petrol filling station, several drive thru’s and a convenience store.

UNIT 3C 30,000 SQ FT

Eaves Height of 9m

Self Contained Secure Yard

35 kN Floor

Level Access Loading Doors

Up to 25m Yard Depth

Car Parking
1 : 1,000

Units are available on a leasehold basis, please contact the joint letting agents for further information.

Steve Johnson

Caroline James
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